Monday, May 31, 2010

pure at heart

31, May 2010

John 14:1
"Do not let your hearts be troubled, Trust in God, trust also in me."

John 16:23
"In that day you will no longer ask me anything very truly I tell you, my father will give you whatever you ask in my name."

Today was a little rough because I did not feel too well but I finished hanging up all the decorations in the baby class. It is so beautiful! There is a reading corner! and a craft corner! haha. It is pretty cool.

We ran a lot of different errands and got the kids fitted for their shoes today so that went very well.

I hope everyone starts their week off very well and you are all in my prayers.
I pray that I will be pure at heart here at Kenya and back home with the Lord. I pray that I love the Lord with all my heart and have peace with this world. I pray that I stay being a light for the Lord and shine among the Kenyan people and also my peers back at home so that they can see God is good.
And I pray that you all challenge yourself to be a light for the Lord as well at your church, home, work, or anywhere your feet take you. Take every step to glorify God.

With Love,

Sunday, May 30, 2010

sunday in the sun :)

30, May 2010

Today we woke up and had a lovely time at Crossroads for church and then after we had lunch at yuls and also went down to the beach. I got to do a little bargaining and buy some lovely gifts.

After the beach we came back and Simone,Cameron, Dominique, Lisa and I all went swimming and played with daisy. It was a wonderful relaxing day in the sun.

The Lord does a wonderful thing when He brings out the sun and brings people together to have fun and just laugh.

Laughter is a key to life :)
Always embrace those moments and hold onto the memories.

I hope all of you enjoyed your Sunday as much as I did.

With Love,

Saturday, May 29, 2010

safari safari

29, May 2010

So we just got back from Safari and it was such a wonderful time spent with Chris and Lisa and the animals :)
Although we did not see the BIG cats or lions and sadly didnt see a lot of giraffe we saw very rare animals and got some cool pictures.
It has been raining lately so the animals were a little dispersed among the Tsavo East Reserve but again we had a great time.

Anyways it got me thinking!

I was looking for that simba (lion). I just wanted to see a lion and was taking for granted the beautiful sight around me but the many other animals the Lord was showing to us were so pretty and just as interesting. Just because it wasn't a big lion does not mean it is not important.

So! To relate this to the world and our lives...
Just because it might not seem like you do not do something EXTREMELY big or cool, that does not mean you are not important.
The Lord has a plan for everyone and has something for everyone to do. The smallest detailed things may not seem important but they are and the Lord places each one of us to something special for this world.
So one of the major sins that we have a problem with is jealousy. I have gone through it and pretty much everyone in this world has experienced jealousy.
BUT! you have to remember that the Lord has His special plan made just for YOU.
In Galatians 6:4-5, it talks about carrying your own load and not worrying about others.
In Proverbs 14:30, it talks about peace giving you life but envy is what rots our bones
and in James 3:14-16, it talks about envy and selfish ambition causes disorder.

Reflect on these verses a little and maybe think of a time when you had become jealous of the slightest thing.
Example: I tend to envy peoples possessions like clothes and other things and that is where satan tries to pull me away from the Lord.
BUT! again we need to be secure in the Lord and where He is leading us. We do not need to compare ourselves with others because the Lord has a different plan for everyone. :)

So just like seeing a simple bird or deer on the reserve, they are just as important as a simba.

With Love,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

finished project. :)

27, May 2010
So Thursdays are normally are rest days but tomorrow we are leaving to go onto safari! I am so excited! So because we are leaving, we still had a lot to get done at Mtepani. Today Chris, Alfred, Simone and I went back to Mtepani and finished things that needed to be done.

Alfred did a beautiful job with the plants and making it say MBEWAU for Mbewau Academy and then the workers are coming along with the feeding center and Simone and I finished the baby class!

It was such a successful day and many things got done so today I am going to share with you many pictures so you can see what is happening and what the finishing touches were with baby class.

The BIG surprise was the handprints! It made the class really look like a baby class :)

With the strength of the Lord and the joy of the Holy Spirit, Thursday was wonderful and productive.

Psalm 16:11

With Love,

more pictures.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

color me beautiful!

26, May 2010

So while we were driving in the car, Lisa thought of this amazing title for the day; "color me beautiful!" It was so perfect and fit the day so well so thanks Lisa!

So today was a full day, we left the house at 6:15 am and did not leave Mtepani until 4pm.
Simone came and helped me today and the job for the day... was to paint the room for the baby class! :)
Yesterday I had gone with Chris and got to pick out the paint for the room. I picked two colors, the names are sunshine and sky blue. I mean how perfect is that!
The Lord really gave me strength today and with Simone's help we finished! (well almost)

Tomorrow, Simone and I will be going back to Mtepani and putting some finishing touches on the walls... we have a creative surprise so you will all see pictures tomorrow of the COMPLETELY finished room.
BUT! other than the surprise, it is beautiful. So color me beautiful :)
When you walk into the room, it feels as if you have walked into a coloring book! I love it, it makes me want to be 3 years old again...haha (even if that means picking my nose and eating my boogers.) haha just kidding but I thought I would make you laugh.

After Mtepani, we went and showered at a friends house because we still do not have water in the house right now and then went to Suls to eat dinner. The day and night was all very lovely.

but back to "color me beautiful". I kept thinking about this saying and it goes deep. Just repeat the saying to yourself...color me beautiful, color me beautiful, color me beautiful.
We are all different and no matter what color hair we have, how tall we are, or no matter how old we get; we are beautiful in the Lord's image. HE, God Alimighty, colored us beautiful.
Please think about that. You and everyone is filled with God's image.

We, are all colored beautiful through Jesus.

With Love,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Matthew 28:19-20

25, May 2010

Today was a day words can not describe! I would say amazing but it was even better!
The Lord was so ALIVE!
In the morning we went to a baby shower, which I do not know if you know this but baby shower's started in America! haha so everyone is so new to it here but it was lovely being in fellowship with all the women again.

Once we left the weekly womens bible study, Chris and I went to the boy's school and I got to talk to the boys.
I opened up with Matthew 28:19-20
I spoke about even in my darkest times, the Lord was always with me. Even when I thought He was not there... He was always there and I was rescued by the Lord and He saved my life. I then shared Psalm 18:19 which is my favorite verse.
Then I shared Genesis 41:41-57, about how Joseph went through 7 years of being prosperous with crops in Egypt and 7 years of famine. I explained to them that through the Lord everything you do will be prosperous. That every blessing we have from the Lord, He can make our blessings greater.
I shared my testimony in the beginning of the talk and I ended with leaving them with
Matthew 6:33-34.

The boys were all so nice and they asked me great questions about america and about relationships. One boy asked me, "what does a woman look for in a guy?"
My answer was this: "A christian woman looks for a man who loves the Lord before anything else. A christian woman looks for a man that will pursue her and do it in the manner of the Lord. A man should respect the woman and love her with all his heart but again should always put the Lord first before the woman. I told them that a christian woman finds it more attractive when a man seeks the Lord and loves the Lord with everything he has first.

They all smiled and then another boy asked me, "and what about money? you do not look for a man with money?"

I laughed and said with the Lords words guiding me, "Money should never be an issue if you have a relationship centered with God. I am not saying things wont be hard at times but the Lord will never abandon you, He will help you prosper and give you what you need. And if the money is an issue to the woman and that is what she is looking for then sadly she is not a christian woman, for a christian woman is a servant for the Lord and you are a servant for the Lord. You should never be a servant of this world and of money."

So I had many other questions asked and got to share a lot of godly advice for these boys so it was pretty awesome!

After sharing with the boys, I went to Crossroads church while Chris and Lisa had a meeting. I went to there 6:30 p.m service and it was excellent. I knew a lot of the girls from bible study and men from my past mission trip. I also met a lot of new people. I had a great time worshiping and the Lord is so funny sometimes. The message was on everything I have been studying today. Today I had a devotion about leadership and I shared with the boys at the school about dreaming big and living for the Lord and not to let people look down upon them and the Lord just wrapped it all up for me tonight in this service.

In the service he talked about everyone having a calling, having a passion, having a unique thing about them. He talked about the Lord giving you purpose.
My two favorite things he said in the whole service was:
"Never look down on people unless you are going to help them up"
"success is just being all that you can for Jesus."

The Lord is amazing and He tied my whole day together.
I hope everyone is having a blessed week and each one of you are in my prayers and daily thoughts.

With Love,

Monday, May 24, 2010

a monday stuck in the mud.

24, May 2010

So I don't know if I have mentioned this yet but it is rainy season here in Mombasa, being the rainy season it rained all night and all today. BUT that was not stopping us. We still had a busy day to complete and needed to get many things done. So we left around 9 this morning and we were going to pick up Alfred from his house. There we were going to pick up the grass for Mtepani and then head out to the village of Mtepani and the school but the Lord had a different plan for us today. We arrived in Alfred's village or I don't know what you would call it, I guess it would be like a neighborhood but we wouldn't exactly call this a neighborhood. I mean it is hard to describe exactly what I see and then what you might interpret it looking like because you probably are way off. Maybe one day you will get to see it firsthand but anyways let me move on with the story. So, keep in mind that it is raining and it gets very muddy! Well that is exactly what happened...we thought we could make this hill will four wheel drive, we had done it so many times before but because of the constant rain, we sunk. The car did not budge.

We just thank the Lord that three hours later we got out safely. So we did not make it out to the village. Lisa and I came home and Chris went and dropped the grass off at Mtepani. I read quite a lot and prepared my devotion for the talk tomorrow with the boys school.

It was a different turn out of the day then expected but we again thank the Lord we made it home safely and we still have a car that drives.

I read Genesis 41:41-57 this morning and it is about Joseph and the seven years of famine that he had after the seven years of having prosperous crops. It just showed me once again that through the Lord all things are possible and when you give everything to the Lord and seek the Lord wholeheartedly, He will multiply your blessings. The Lord is always with us, anywhere we go, call on the Lord and put your trust in Him.

"Seek the Lord first..."

With Love,

Sunday, May 23, 2010

joyous sunday

The Lord blessed all of us with a wonderful Sunday! We had music and dancing at the church in the village of Mtepani. It was so fun! Chris surprised me and wanted me to share my testimony. I had to talk in short sentences and phrases so they could translate but it was crazy because I would have to change the way I would say something because they wouldn't understand or it couldn't be translated into Swahili. It was an experience but a blessing none the less. While Chris gave the message, I took all the kids outside and taught them the song, "this little light of mine". (there were about 140 people in church and only 56 were adults so there were a lot of kiddos running around!) It was awesome, I got to play guitar for them and just enjoyed seeing there eyes light up when they would hear the music and then learn a new word of the song. They are all so happy for not having anything but maybe one outfit to wear. It is amazing how selfish we can all get back in the states when there are people all around us that live with absolute nothing and are happy and enjoy every minute of their life. Yes, Life is hard for them but they live with a pure heart and are so gracious and full of joy.

After church was over, Lisa did clinic and I decorated another classroom :)
The classrooms are looking so wonderful and I am so excited to teach the teachers how to use the posters in their room to teach the children. They are so used to the chalkboards but now they have so many resources around them that they can be using, I just have to help them realize that.

We finally made it home around 7p.m, we were gone allll day. It was a very long day but I loved every minute of it.

Today one of my devotions was in Matthew 6:25
It talked about not worrying.
"worrying means we do not believe that God can look after the practical details of our lives, and it is never anything but those details that worry us."
One of the main words Jesus uses to his disciples is abandon.

I need to abandon being worried, abandon doubt, abandon disobedience and just be a disciple for the Lord.

"the only cure of unbelief is obedience in the Spirit."
With love, peace, patience and joy... let the Lord work within me to prosper me and make my works good for He gives me a purpose.

Mungu Akubariki

With Love,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

rainy saturday filled with the light of smiles

22, May, 2010
I woke up to a stormy day! It rained and rained and rained BUT, it is a good thing for all of their crops and today we had a wonderful Saturday! We visited Alfred's family so I got to see where he lives. Alfred is the guy that helps around the house and he is soo sweet! He helps me with my Swahili! After going to Alfred's house, we went to see Richard's family and his baby! It was so fun! They are all so funny because they make sure they buy coca cola for us muzungus (white people) and we sat around and laughed and had coca cola and cookies haha.

This evening Lisa, Chris and I sat around and put together all the medicine for tomorrow. We are going to another church in the village of Mtepani and then also we are going to have a parents meeting for the school and we are going to do a clinic for the people in the church. It should be a very interesting and fun filled Sunday :)

I hope everyone's weekend is going fabulous!

With Love,

Friday, May 21, 2010

5 days of God's handiwork! :)

21, May, 2010 (This is how they write the date here in Kenya)

"I Believe if Jesus calls me to get out of the boat, He is going to be there to help me walk on the water. If I start to sink, He'll reach His hand down and He'll lift me up. God will give you everything you need to do everything He has called you to do. You are in His hands and in His will, and there is no better place to be."

So I woke up this morning to read those words. It was in a card that my mama had given to me before I left and she dated them. She is such an encouraging woman and I adore her :)

Today was a progressive Friday. A lot is happening in the Mtepani village at the Mbewau Academy. When I had first arrived on Monday the road was not completed and the feeding center was just getting started but after a week 5 days of being here, they have finished the road, they are putting the grass on top of the hut that is in the middle of the land. The foundation is has been set for the feeding center and they are on there way with that project. They put a gate up for the storage area of the school. I have decorated one classroom and the clinic. In the clinic we have finished the medical table and many kids are getting proper medicine for infections or colds.

Many things are happening here and many more things are coming. It is so cool to watch this school grow.
I am learning more swahili everyday and becoming comfortable with it and I am starting to learn more of the kiddos names each day! Those kids keep me going. The Lord has blessed me with them because they feel me with energy!

Well, I am going to help Lisa with some book keeping for the school files so I have to go but thank you all for the prayers and it is going great here!

Kwaheri! (bye bye)

WIth Love,

Thursday, May 20, 2010


May 20, 2010

I learned many new words today, as I do everyday but my favorite to say was kweli which means REALLY?! haha I say it for fun or when I get excited about things. I am so strange but reading a swahili word is alot different than saying it so I when I come back and say this word for all of you, you will understand how cool it is :)

So let me give you a summary of how each week goes so you know what exactly each day looks like for me.
Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays: I got to Mtepani and help with the Mbewau Academy and I am with the kids all day. Wednesdays are the longest days. We wake up early and leave pretty late in the afternoon.
Tuesdays: they vary. I have the womens bible study in the morning but I will also be talking to an all boys school next week and I will do different things
Thursdays: RELAXING day.
and then
Saturday: is "explore Kenya day" haha I kind of get to explore around the country and then
Sunday: we travel to different churches and visit so I will see alot of different churches this month.

I have almost been here for a week which is really exciting but it goes by so fast!
But today was my relax day but although I should have sleeped in, I got up early to talk to friends on skype. I got to talk to Brogan and Kynnie! It was so exciting. I am still waiting for you to contact me Brittany but I am not losing hope :) you can do it Britt!
and then later this afternoon I got to talk to Cindy which was excellent!

I took a nap in the afternoon because I woke up so early but I finally finished my book I have been reading. I finished "The Shack"! It is such a good book! The problem is that I have been so tired I kept falling asleep at night while reading. BUT, I highly encourage everyone to read gives you a new perspective on your relationship with the Lord. It makes you think outside the box which I love!

On another subject tonight was a special night! Chris, Lisa and I ate with some friends at this traditional African restaurant. It was an experience none the least. You ate out of clay pots and bowls and you ate with your hands! We had chicken, beans with this cocunut sauce, baked bananas with spices, some sweet potato goodness...oh those were so addiciting, and we also had ugali which is a bread they have here in Kenya. It was delicious!

I had a great time! I took a picture wiuth one of the worker and her name is tabu which means difficult so I am assuming her mother had a difficult time with her when she was giving birth or something haha. but she told me that it was a "zawadi" to have me. Zawadi means gift :)

She was so nice!
Well I got to get to sleep so I will be able to be full of energy tomorrow for the kids!

With Love,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


LOVE: upendo.
May 19th Wednesday.
Today was a busy day but very productive. We left early this morning at 6:15 and headed to Mtepani! Once Chris dropped Lisa and I off at the Mbewau Academy, He went to go teach at the bible college in Mombasa from 8 to 12.

So it was just Lisa and I doing lots of productive work. While the kids began school, we finished the medical table by putting the cushion on top and then putting the fabric over, to make a beautiful medical table! Lisa then got busy with sorting through financial things and doing a few check ups. I on the other hand was busy in the back closet. I organized the medicine cabinet and then started decorating the rooms with alphabet cards and number posters and cool little pictures and things. I ran out of mounting tape so I had to eventually stop but I got alot done in the baby class/KG 1 classroom. It is so fun interacting with kids and just enjoying each others company.

After spending all day at the school, we grabbed some yummy spicy chicken to eat and headed home. It was a crazy, hot day but it was a beautiful day none the least.

Please say prayers that the mosquitos will stop biting, just because they are so itchy at times :/
but luckily you dont have to worry because I am getting bitten during the day and the mosquitos that carry malaria come between the time of 10pm-2am and I am in bed asleep, safe and sound. so hakuna matata (no worries)
BUT, I know all family and friends will still worry so pray that will be safe day to day.

Next week, I will be doing a music time with the kids and playing guitar and then I am also going to be speak to a boys school on Tuesday. They are high school boys so I will be giving a devotional to them. I am going to share my testimony and then share a short message after. So I will praying this week for the knowledge of what the Lord wants me to say and I just ask that you pray for me that the Lord will help provide me with that knowledge.

I love all of you!
Kwaheri! (BYE)

With Love,