Wednesday, April 28, 2010

live the life you love. love the life you live.

So I am going to be completely honest with all of you. The Lord has defenitely been challenging me this week to realize how to completely abandon my life for him. The Lord gave us life as a prize and I seem to overlook that.
1 Corinthians 1 explains it so well. The whole chapter explains how to pursue the Lord, how to depend on the Lord, how to comfort in the Lord, and then how to share to others about the Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:7, "And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings so also you share in our comfort."

The Lord wants us to stand firm in him because when we feel distressed then we should rely on him and when we feel comfort, we should also feel comfort through the Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:24, "...but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm."

To live the christian life, we should stand firm in our faith and rejoice the Lord in everything we do and it should not be a burden to wake up living for the Lord but it should be an enjoyment. You should enjoy and love the life you are living because you are living for a purpose and that is to be a servant of the Lord.

For, what you think about. is what you care about. and what you care about. is what you will chase after.

So surround yourself with Him and chase after Him and live for Him because when you live the life you love for Him then you will love the life you live because you are being a servant for the Lord Jesus Christ and that is truly amazing.

My friend Kyndall asked me a couple months ago, "Jenny, how are you going to keep your life on the right path and keep this going. How are you not going to go back? How do you know that you are not going to just go back to your old ways?"
At the time all I could say is that I just know but yesterday I was able to answer her.
I know I will not go back to my old ways because they are not filled with joy, happiness, passion, purity, love. I know I will not go back to my old ways because I have finally found the enjoyment with my relationship with the Lord. Back then I saw as reading my bible or doing my daily devotion as a burden and not fun. But now, thats what I enjoy to do. It is not a question of when do I need to talk to the Lord today because I want to talk to my best friend, Jesus every second I get. He is awesome and when I wake up, I pray that I can glorify him in everything I do.
That is the difference of my life now then what it was.
Back then the Lord was still second and Me and all the other stuff I wanted to do was first.
But NOW the Lord is first, the Lord is my focus and I come second.

That is how as christians we should be living. We should be living for the Lord and being a servant and disciple for Him.

So remember through Christ, live the life you love and love the life you live.

With Love,

Monday, April 26, 2010

I want to hear your story.

I just want to share with all of you how blessed I am to have each one of you in my life. I am so excited of how the Lord is working in each one of yalls hearts and how He is moving all of you to serve and reach out and just do amazing things.

The Lord has again been calling on my heart about mission and outreach and I really want to talk to each one of you about what the Lord is doing in your life.

Please read Ecclesiastes 3. There is a time for everything. and I want to hear how the Lord is working in everyones life and where He is calling you in your time right now.

Please contact me at and I would love to set a lunch, dinner, phone, skype, or email date up with you.

God gave us the gift to be disciples of Him so we could share our story to bring light on the Lord. God didn't send us here to save souls but just disciple them to the Lord. :)

Each one of you are in my prayers and thoughts.

Mungu Akubariki

With Love,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

finding a new perspective.

Tonight in this blog: I decided to do something different and basically share with you my journal entry for yesterday:
Wrote on April 19, 2010
"God has been doing some amazing things in my life and not just through mission but through many different people who have been in and out of my life.
I leave for Mombasa, Kenya in 26 days and still donations are coming in from so many different people and places. It is truly amazing.
So, last week I challenged myself to write down my blessings and write down my complaints. SO here are the main things I saw repeatedly happen:
  • complained about the residence I am currently living at
  • complained about how boring my political science class is
  • complained about my computer going slow
  • complained about having a small bedroom
  • complained about my feet hurting
  • complained about the food at my residence hall
  • complained about my ankle
  • complained about not being able to find an outfit to go out in
  • complained about a little pimple on my forehead
These are many complaints that I have heard myself over the past week just repeating but in reality, I should have taken the different perspective and this is what I should have said:
  • I am so blessed to have shelter
  • I am so blessed to have the opportunity and resources to attend Texas A&M University
  • I am blessed to have the financial support of family so I can have a computer for school
  • Again, I am blessed to have sheltor and a room and bed to my own
  • I am blessed to have shoes on my feet
  • I am blessed to have food always ready for me so I will not go hungry
  • I am so blessed to have a sprained ankle and not a broken ankle
  • I am blessed for the great amount of clothes I am willing to have
  • I am blessed with beautiful skin and I am blessed to be healthy and not have different diseases harming my body
These things I lose and we all lose perspective for. The little things that I complain about are uneccessary especially when I am healthy, walking and everyday graciously pursuing the Lord.
These complaint make me lose focus on Him and I need to work on keeping up with blessings and not the negative.
In Peter 1:3-5, in verse 5 it says:
'who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.'

We are tempted everday and given the opportunities to be drawn away form the Lord but if we have faith then we will be shielded by the Lord's power and not be drawn astray.
Follow the Lord through your faith and you will be protected"
That was my journal entry yesterday and reading back on it today, it rememinded me that I not only need to have my eyes on the Lord and be committed to the Lord but I need to challenge myself to seek out that new perspective and learn to view the world, people and myself a little differently.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Tuesday and remember to keep praying.
Again if you want to know how to help out more with my mission to Kenya or Real4Christ Ministries you can email me at
Thanks again for everyones support!
25 days!
With Love,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Take the Challenge.

I have had a blessed week. From being studious and getting ready for many test, to having laughter with friends, meeting new friends, winning a kickball game!, and just overall enjoying my last few weeks as being a freshmen but more importantly living these days full of Christ.
Today I read Matthew 11:29
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls"
The Lord is our strength and we need to take joy in that which many times I struggle with this concept. For instance, complaints. I and as Americans we tend to complain about little things that if you really think about, are not even valid complaints. 
We always worry about what we "dont have" and stop taking value in what we do have.
The Lord has blessed us beyond belief.
For instance,
He loves me more than my mind can grasp a hold of, He keeps me safe, has provided me shelter, He has given me many new opportunities and I wake up everyday to His beautiful creation. 
and then I complain.
Something is just wrong with that whole picture.
SO: I am challenging myself this week and I hope you take this challenge as well because it is going to be very interesting to see what, as humans and sinners, we simply overlook.
I am challenging myself to write down my blessings within the next week. Each day I will carry a piece of paper or scrap paper and keep it with me at all times and when I think of a blessing or see a blessing I can scribble it down really quick but the REAL challenge is when you catch yourself complaining or thinking of a complaint then you need to make another column of that too. 
I will update the blog everyday and keep you updated from Thursday, April 15th- April 22nd of my progress and where God leads me in this challenge.
It is going to be very interesting to see how many times I do not take into account the simplistic blessings I have in my life and just overlook the Lords gracious gifts He has given me.
I hope you all do this challenge because I believe it will open all of our eyes and give us a new perspective on our life and the way we are living it.
And I will leave you all with this quote from my devotion book I am reading from:
"No power on earth or in hell can conquer the Spirit of God living within the human spirit; it creates an inner invincibility."
With love, 
Go out and conquer your temptations by the invincibility of Christ.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today was an excellent day. The Lord not only showed me how many people are so supportive, He showed me how to spread my love further just in the most simplistic ways.
He showed me how to pursue and be an example of "mission" just within my home town.

Before the BBQ started, we started off the day by reading 2 Timothy 4:1-8
I read this to my family because it spoke out of our purpose among this world.
In verse 5 it says: "But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry."
I thought this verse was so convicting of what the purpose of the bbq was for and of why I love mission so much and why I am traveling back to Mombasa. It is not just because I love the gracious people and beautiful countryside, but I absolutely love serving the Lord and evangelizing and being an example for Him. The Lord gives me this energy that is so indescribable but all I know is the Holy Spirit is working in me and it is such an amazing feeling to glorify the Lord through helping others. :)
So for the BBQ: we raised (drumroll)....
$900!!!!! it was so AMAZING!
and my family and friends have been so supportive and have helped out so much and I thank all of you!!
Also, in the end, we had alot of plates left over (cough cough 60 cough) but this is where I learned how important mission is here.
We went around to local gas stations and donated the rest of our extra BBQ plates. Instead of asking for any money, we just gave a wonderful meal out for free and to see the expressions on some of the peoples faces, well lets just say.. it has officially made my month!
They were just so blessed to know they had dinner for the night to feed their families and then would have lunch for tomorrow to bring to work again.
I just smiled because it was such a cool feeling to spread Gods love on all those people.
Well I hope everyone had a blessed weekend and I pray that everyone has a splendid week.
REMEMBER: if you are having a bad week, as my best friend Heather would say, "Let go and Let God", just let it all go and let God help you out. As I have learned from many of experiences, you cannot do it alone!

Mungu Akubariki! 
(God Bless you!)

With love,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Radiate and Shine for the Lord

Jambo! (hello)
I hope everyone had a great week. I had a fabulous week full of many blessings. 
I first want to ask if all of you could pray for me to stay focused on my last couple of weeks of school because it is hard to stay focused when I am about to go back to Mombasa where my heart yearns to go back to. :)
BUT as for now I need to finish those last tests and seal the semester to an end.
I woke up this morning and again just smiled because I realized I am a daughter of the Lord and it just makes me so extremely happy. The Lord has been so gracious towards me this year and I am so very blessed.
So I read a couple chapters from Isaiah this morning but as I was flipping through my bible, I found a really cool verse I had read over before.
Daniel 12: 3
"Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever."
and then under this verse I wrote this:
"Since we are made of the image of God, we have the capacity to radiate and shine for the Lord. We have the ability to reflect his beauty and love among the world."

I just smiled and kind of chuckled because it is so true. We Live and shine for the Lord and if we live all for him, then we have the ability to pass that love onto others!

It is such a cool thing!
Well I hope all of you have a great weekend and hope to see you Sunday!

With Love,

Friday, April 9, 2010

BBQ fundraiser is SOON!

So this weekend is the BBQ fundraiser on Sunday, April 11th. The plates are $5 and it includes brisket, sausage, beans and rice. If you can make it over to 3039 Fall Mist, San Antonio TX; that would be AWESOME! all the proceeds will be going to Chris and Lisa, Real 4 Christ Ministry.

Thanks again for everyones support!

With Love, 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Lord is our guide forever and ever!

WOW! The Lord is so amazing. Let me explain to you what has happened to me in the past 24 hours. We will start with last night. I was given the opportunity to lead worship at my phi lamb meeting and it was such a blessing. Just to be able to close my eyes and play and hear all of my sisters in Christ singing, oh gosh it was so cool. I mean I worship and sing in my room all the time but to hear the color and brightness of everyones voice was truly awesome.
AND also yesterday! I had recieved enough donations to purchase my plane ticket!!
so it is all official. I will be leaving May 15th and coming back, June 11th. :) 
Now the coolest part is all your donations will be helping the ministries out.
Which, brings me to the other coolest part! My mom just recently called me in the past couple of hours and said I had 200 more dollars that was sent in the mail from all of you!! and she told me that my grandparents were donating a guitar!!!!! The Lord is so amazing. I literally am counting down the weeks and He just provides. Now I can start working on worship songs and devotions for the kids. And now I can leave the guitar with them so they have something to worship with for years to come!
I am super excited! Also all of you have been so supportive! And I thank you all so much for giving me a helping hand and just spreading my story to everyone!
We will be having a bbq fundraiser this weekend in San Antonio, if you would like to join you can contact me through email and I can give you details. Also in the next week or so my cousin is thinking of putting together a bake sale which is such a blessing as well.

I LOVE YOU GUYS! and keep praying for more plentiful donations.
Again the list of things they need is on my previous blog so if you feel on your heart that you would like to give in a way besides money, everything is accepted. :)

GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU and hope you all have an amazing week.
With Love,

Psalm 48:14
"For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end."

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Easter weekend was fabulous! I not only enjoyed spending time with family and friends but rejoicing in the Lord for HE IS RISEN! :)
Let me just tell you. That all of you are such a blessing. I have not given up on donations and this weekend they have been plentiful. I came into this weekend with zero dollars towards my mission trip and coming back to college station, I recieved $1210! of donations this weekend. I am very blessed for all of you praying for me and supporting me and just lifting my story up and sharing it with everyone.
I would like to share with all of you Jeremiah 29:11-13. My Uncle wrote this in the letter he sent to me and I absolutely love this verse and it just reminded me where the Lord is leading me and that this is his will.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me with all your heart."

The Lord has a plan and it is being prospered. The Lord is so amazing and I just want to shout, PRAISE THE LORD! ( I hope you all smile and do this right now, just shout it on the top of your lungs, for He is truly amazing)

This weekend He has given me so many blessings and He has shown me that truly through him nothing is impossible.

Thank all of you for everything you are doing to make this mission trip a success for the Lord.

so far I have raised $1210 and my goal is $3000.
My plan to leave is still May 15 - June 11 and I will keep you all updated when I officially get my plane tickets.

Here are the donations that they need for Mombasa, Kenya: 
This is for the kids and also for Chris and Lisa with things that they would like to have that they cannot get in Kenya and it would be a blessing for them to recieve:

Lots of Hard Candy (Not peppermint or cinnamon) suckers are good too
Sling shot (wrist rocket)
Speed stick antiperspirant/deodorant *Solid not Gel* (Fresh scent - green top)
Shower to Shower body powder (Original Fresh - pink)
Crystal Light Peach Tea or Rasberry Tea
Bag of Splenda sweetner
Tennis Balls 
Ball Pump Needles 
10ft Jump ropes 
Outdoor Volleyball
Benadryl tablets 
Wet One wipes 
pk of Men's boot socks

Thank all of yall so much and if you have any questions of more ways to help please contact me :)

With Love,